If you had to plan a loved one’s funeral, do you think that you would get it right? Of course, it is not really something you can get ‘wrong’ per se, but do you think it would be what they wanted?
On the other hand, do you think that your family would know what to do when organising your funeral? Perhaps the most basic things have been discussed, such as cremation or burial, but what about the flowers? The charitable donations? The music? Let’s hope that the Adele song you want to be played out isn’t replaced by a Judy Garland number, unless you love Judy Garland of course!
At Damsons we want to encourage families to open up the dialogue and make real plans for the future. It’s never the most comfortable conversation to talk about death and can be even harder to discuss a loved one’s passing than your own. But by avoiding these conversations, the biggest celebration of your life may in fact not be a fitting tribute at all.
When it comes to your funeral wishes being made a reality, unfortunately statistics are not on your side. A recent funeral industry report* found that only 1% of people knew all of the deceased’s funeral wishes. 18% didn’t know any at all. That means that 99% of people reading this will not get everything they want for their funeral, an extraordinarily high number indeed.
Not having any instructions or limited knowledge of funeral wishes can be daunting for the family of the deceased. Having to make these decisions whilst managing grief can lead to undue stress and arguments at what is already a difficult time.
It may be that you want a low-fuss affair with only immediate family present. Or, perhaps a much larger event with limousines, floral tributes and a dress-code. Either way, you can stipulate these wishes and avoid any confusion or second-guessing by purchasing a pre-paid Funeral Plan.
With a wide choice of plans available, Damsons can provide you with the perfect send-off that’s a true reflection of your wishes. Also, let’s not forget that the cost of funerals are rising every year. A funeral plan is an excellent way of ensuring that you freeze the cost at today’s price.
Contact one of our knowledgeable advisors today on 0800 088 4670 to find out about all of the options available. We can make your funeral a day to remember.
*Sunlife Cost of Dying Report 2020
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